Herbalism, Foraging, and Health Sovereignty
Empowering you to take control of your health through nature-based practices, wildcrafting, and plant medicine
Offering Class, Consultations, Memberships, and more
The Journey to Health Sovereignty
I believe that nature offers us everything we need to heal.
By tuning in to the seasons of the year, the cycles of light and dark, and the natural rhythms of life, we can attune ourselves to a better way of being.
Discovering the power of the plants all around us helps us build relationships with the natural world and empowers us to move toward health and alignment.
The Five Foundations of Health
Our approach to health is grounded in the five elements, which form the foundation of wellness:
Earth: Grounding and nourishment
Water: Hydration
Fire: Sunlight and energy
Air: Breath
Space: Connection to purpose, community, and the sacred
By nourishing these five aspects of our being, we create balance, health, and a deeper connection to wisdom.
The School of Earth and Awe
At the School of Earth and Awe, we offer nature-based practices that support health sovereignty through foraging, herbalism, and ancestral wisdom. We guide people of all ages in reconnecting with the earth’s gifts and empowering themselves to live in vibrant health.
Here, you’ll find a range of classes and experiences designed to help you reclaim your health through nature, including but not limited to:
Herbal Medicine and Wildcrafting (Foraging) Classes
Foraging and Primitive Skills Classes
Yoga and Meditation for Adults and Families
One-on-One Herbal Consultations
Personalized Guidance on Your Health Journey
Community Gatherings Centered on Health and Nature
The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.
- Henry Miller
Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.”
- Socrates
Everything is ceremony in the wild garden of childhood.
- Pablo Neruda
Grown men can learn from very little children, for the hearts of little children are pure. Therefore, the Great Spirit may show them many things that older people miss.
- Black Elk
The pursuit of beauty and truth is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
-Albert Einstein